About Us


St Paul’s Episcopal Church, Brainerd, Minnesota is a part of the Diocese of Minnesota and Region One. We are located at 408 N 7th Street, on the corner of 7th and Juniper- just two blocks North of the Historic Water Tower on Washington(route 210),on the southeast corner of Gregory Park. We hold weekly celebrations of the Holy Eucharist on Sundays at 10:00AM. Our worship is conducted according to the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. We prefer the “modern” language of the “Rite II” liturgy. St Paul’s was the first church in Brainerd,Minnestoa, at the same corner since 1860 (Mission) and 1871(Parish). Our current Sanctuary was constructed in the 1930’s and has beautiful and historic stained glass windows! Our Sunday School areas and Administrative offices were built in the 1980’s. WE HAVE THE PLACE AND THE SPACE–ALL WE NEED IS YOU–WELCOME!

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming, small congregation where members serve as ushers, greeters, Lay readers, money-counters, Lay Eucharistic Visitors, Sunday School teachers and Altar Guild to name a few. They may also choose to serve on the Vestry, Church Board, or work towards Ordination through the ECMN School of Formation.  Currently our Shared Ministry team has one priest and one Deacon and would love to have more. Come and talk to us.

Members take turns bringing treats for the coffee hour that follows the Sunday morning 1000 service. Once a month, members go out for brunch at an area restaurant following the coffee hour. St. Paul’s congregation has become a church family by praying, serving, and laughing together.

In addition to the Sunday morning service, St. Paul’s offers three weekly Zoom services: Compline on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and Bible Based Discipleship study on Wednesday evening.

Our ministries include participation in the Brainerd Area Coalition for Homelessness (BACH), a Jail Ministry, Laundry Money Donations to Bridges of Hope, and Prayer Support of Habitat for Humanity. Several church members are volunteers.


The Episcopal Church

Church Outreach

Kids Kabinet provides clothing for area school age children.  School Nurses contact St. Paul’s with clothing needs which are then delivered to the schools.  New and used clothing is donated to Kids Kabinet which is housed at the church. Some new clothing is purchased as needed.  Every kid should have clothes to go to school. Sometimes accidents happen during the day and the schools are ready with replacements.